Engkids Grow Up Together

The new millennium has witnessed a sharp turn in the conceptualization of foreign language learning by placing interaction at the heart of language development both in and outside of classrooms(Firth& Wagner, 2007). The Project 'ENG(K)ids grow up together!' is for young learners.
The project 'Eng(k)ids grow up together!' aims to show how to create a language learning atmosphere in kindergarten and contribute young learners to speak and practice the English language accurately and fluently. The project is based on kindergarten concepts: opposites, location, sense, quantity, counting, shapes, emotion. Besides, ıt will include interdisciplinary topics to connect real-life experience and can speak about real situations. One of the goals of the project is to raise their awareness that there are language skills to be discovered actively and to support young learners can be learner autonomy. the project will guide young learners to participate in their learning and using language moreover, the students will be encouraged to practice the language through holistic activities. Young learners will work with low anxiety and use language in a non-defensive learning environment for meaningful learning. It will support them to work cooperatively and collaboratively with the students of partners' schools. During the Project, young learners will improve their speaking, listening, and pronunciation. The project has components of learning tools such as; meaningful activities, authentic materials, games, outdoor activities, art crafts, interaction games, ice-breakers, and web 2.0 tools to be helpful to focus on their interest when they learn a language. They will learn how to interact with teachers and classmates in English. They will get experience to communicate with foreign peers. The objectives of the project will advocate developing their cognitive, linguistic, social, and motor skills.